The show opens with Andrew comforting Spike over Mark's departure. Spike quickly dries his tears and offers Andrew the now-free spare bed in his room.

In the Top Chef kitchen, the cheftestants find Tom standing alongside Padma, who introduces him to them as if they never met. Padma must be back smoking the weed again! She delivers the bad news that there will be no more immunity for Quickfire Challenges. And this week, both challenges will be favorites of Tom's - in other words, no fun at all. For the quickfire we have the mise en place relay race. The chefs choose knives to determine who is on Team Fork and who is on Team Spoon.

The challenges are to peel and supreme five oranges, turn two artichokes, clean and filet a monkfish, and make a quart of mayonnaise.

Lisa smokes Antonia in the orange segment (heh). Spike gets a good start on the artichokes but Andrew catches up and they tie. Richard and Dale tie on battle monkfish, and Stephanie beats Nikki in mayonnaise-ing. Team
Padma pats Dale on the head and gives him a cookie to calm him down and then asks the chefs if they remember Restaurant Wars. Of course they do - it's been one of the most contentious battles for the last three seasons! This year, however, there will be no battling restaurants. Instead, the teams have to make wedding food based on the tastes of the happy couple. Who are getting married...the next day.

Corey and JP have a catering and wedding venue of their own, so they're bound to be picky. And there's always the chance for a bride to be Bridezilla. Despite that, Team
Richard and Andrew head to Whole Foods to pick up, of all things, flowers. Steph and Antonia go meat shopping.

Who's the metrosexual now, Ryan?
Andrew has a culinary boner knowing he has to work all night long to get the job done. Thanks for sharing.

Once the chefs start cooking, it's clear that Dale is completely disgusted with Team

Meanwhile on Team

The next day, after working all night, the chefs load up their food and take it to the wedding venue. Famed pastry chef Gale Gand of Chicago's Tru is guest judge for the wedding wars and we see her and the other judges gussied up in their Sunday best crash the wedding so they can taste the food.

The appetizers all seem to go over pretty well, except for the tooth-shatteringly hard bruschetta (that's pronounced broo-sketta, Lisa, not broo-shetta, btw) that Dale toasted far too much in advance. And Nikki's pizza doesn't get as many compliments as Antonia's.
But pizza's not enough for our hungry judges, so they stampede inside for the buffet dinner. In the meantime, the bride changes out of her plain unadorned strapless gown into a lacy strapless gown with a puffed skirt perfect for catching crumbs. Free food courtesy of Bravo means more money for Badgley Mischka!
Andrew is put in the kitchen to work on hot food. "He's not allowed to talk to the guests," says Antonia. Guess she doesn't want everyone to find out about his culinary boner. Dale takes kitchen duty too because he likes to be a martyr and complain about it.

After dinner, the chefs pack their tired asses up and head to the Glad Family of Products Commemorative Storage Room for a montage of yawns. Team


Cuz you gotta be able to cook more than Eye-Talian food to be a winner, Nikki. And apparently you can't even do that so well, huh? (Next I look forward to Lisa's departure.)
I LOVE that you called them "Team Can't Lose"! There wasn't a chance in hell that Nikki & Co. were going to win that challenge.
Click here for DavidDust's Top Chef Chicago recap.
Thanks for the laughs, Minx!... even that fish was smiling.
Tho looking at it makes me wonder what the monk looked like so that they named -that- fish for him. Poor guy.
;-) Nanc's minimalist recap think Andrew's a bottom, but David Dust thinks he's a top. I'm so confused!
But yes...Lisa next week. That would be nice. Although, they make Spike look pretty evil in the promos...
David and I don't *always* agree. Maybe Andrew is ambidextrous that way. :)
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