I hate seeing misspelled words on menus. Most of the time it's chilpote instead of chipotle, or some variant of "mescaline" for "mesclun." If the misspelling is egregious enough, it might prevent me from dining in a particular establishment (if care wasn't taken when printing the menu - an important part of a restaurant - then how much care was taken in choosing the chef? the ingredients?)
While browsing Open Table for NY restaurant ideas, I came across Butter, the restaurant of Chef Alexandra Guarnaschelli, host of the
Cooking Loft and judge on both
Iron Chef America and
Chopped, all on the Food Network. Schmancy Web site, and a couple of amusing typos.

What are you favorite menu typos? Those in Chinese restaurants are usually pretty entertaining. The carry-out menu at Szechuan House has a description that reads "meat sauteed born fried crispy eatable." It took me a while to realize (not until I had eaten a similar dish elsewhere) that "born" should be "bone."
I do like my pork cripsy, though, I might stay away from a poterhouse.
This isn't a typo, but years ago, as a bartender, a guest ordered a glass of johannisberg riesling, and then asked if we had any other wines from South Africa.
Reminds me of these gems:
A people person you say?
try 'Cowboy Leg'...
'rurality salad' - (Country Music & buckshot?)
(Only 2 yuan extra you get 'sheet iron'!)
Or some tasty 'sea cucumber hoof'?
'Fried Beef rice w/ Scorn'
(can I substitute 'disdain'?)
perhaps w “Strange Flavour of inside Freasure”
and for dessert, 'Plaster with Coconut'.
All from this guy's - Menu -
(he brought back from China)
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